After the release of Bulgarian nurses and while Nicolas Sarkozy was in the first year in office, Colonel Gaddafi was received with great fanfare in France.
wrote as follows at the time Anne Giudicelli, consultant and specialist the Arab world.
Nicolas Sarkozy's France has faith in Libya. From the point of granting him, in his great mercy, what Jean-David Levitte called "right to redemption" . On whether the diplomatic adviser at the Elysee was not too dragged the United States administered by George W. Bush to the point of snatching his Christian rhetoric. Yet well in these words that Mr. Levitte has justified the deputies of the French Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the conditions of release Bulgarian nurses, the policy of normalization with Libya and Gaddafi's coming in France: a helping hand to fire a rogue state which, for demonstrating its 'willingness to open up to the international community ; ', deserves to be "offer the possibility to return" the right path. In the Gospel according to John-David, even the worst regimes may want to atone for their sins. Therefore, recognize an officer who may have strayed that "the will turn the page " can only help him do good.
optimism or complacency Coue method? While the Libyan regime has officially renounced terrorism in 1999 and its programs of weapons of mass destruction in 2003, prompting the lifting of international sanctions against it, it remains to demonstrate that the international community, and more yet the Libyan population, have gained. Frankly not obvious. This doctrine, popular in liberal circles, is to bet on electroshock produce salutary reintegration schemes condemned by the international law on the internal situation of these countries has already shown its limits for Libya ....
Despite promises of reform of any kind repeated by the highest figures of the regime in their new Western partners, the country still controlled by the same elite that clings to its status. To safeguard its interests. A report laid by the Kings College London for the British Ministry of Defence that Bakchich has obtained shows that the United States have already been had. They had been convinced by messages encouraging distilled by the same, whether the Libyan system of governance could evolve into a more politically correct presidential republic. Which could foreshadow some effect on access to dividends expected for the greatest number, on human rights and freedom of expression. Even, let fools on the emergence of opposition to Gaddafi who, for that matter, would be pro-Western ideas ... Missed, missed a thousand times. Despite the influx of foreign companies since 1999, mainly oil, an enviable geostrategic position, vast natural resources for a small population, Libya remains in a pitiful state of poverty. And has the added bonus of infrastructure as archaic as its bureaucracy. Evidenced by this popular joke is that when the IAEA inspectors have arrived in Tripoli, they found no weapons of mass destruction but only of mass destruction ...
Gaddafi & Co
The income from corruption and the shadow economy by some cons "suffered" the return of Libya into the international fold. They show an insolent health: a little over a third of GDP. In 2005, Transparency International, which tracks corruption practices worldwide, has also ranked the 117th position in Libya in 158 countries. Good to know for the French attempted to take advantage of the state of bilateral thanks to embark on the adventure ...
Although theoretically Jamahiriyah, literally "the state of the masses", is expected to formalize the governance the people through a hierarchy of different fora for consultations, the People's Congress, the reality is quite different. The plethora of these decision-making administered by officials bottle to tape has nothing to do with the attributes of a popular democracy. But more with the ambitions of one man - the guide - and his family: his family and senior leaders of the regime. Unlike the majority of the population, forced into the public sector to engage in other activities to experience or subject in private to an administration reluctant to let them grow, these new rich are the only real beneficiaries of the opening from Libya to the international community. The son of the Guide and those of many notables in court were able to develop profitable business (see box).
Finally, the dreaded Revolutionary Committees, a sort of political police in charge of reducing any form of threat to the sustainability of the Jamahiriyah and eliminate opponents, have not abated. On the contrary. After the violent riots of February 2006 in the region of Benghazi, where membership in Islamist discourse is seen as a threat to the regime, they returned to the General People's Committee, signing their comeback. The Jamahariyah has a future before it whether in or after Gaddafi. Succession is not ready to give up. Even the dolphin predestined, Seif al-Islam, not talking about political reform. His vision for Libya tomorrow oscillates between two models, as he told the German press in 2006 that the UAE economy, and that Morocco's political ... Despite the backstabbing and other dirty tricks that he has sent through the media to Nicolas Sarkozy after the release of Bulgarian nurses, to accents cynico his projects earned him well-oriented small "redemption" Elysian all by himself!
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