Friday, July 7, 2006

French Curtains For Kitchen

Sunset Noumea

Y has magical evening, as yesterday, for example, where the sunset was magnificent. I harpenté Noumea following the declination of the sun, I take you. (If I can download the files, because since I have my ADSL line, I must pass through the network from work, this bug without stopping ...)
Well, first the Ouen Toro to overlook Noumea south.

A paraglider enjoys the last rays the sun between sea and hill, magical.

Then to the Bay of lemons, deserted at this season. Only 2 young pregnant women motivated, walk along the beach, water up to their bellies.

Here we are then in the bay of the orphanage, flooded by light of beauty. I decided to wait a few minutes.

The sun goes down, the clouds are colored pink and are reflected on a glassy sea.

The darkness gradually spreading the road while the city lights. It's time for joggers (they made me miss a number of photos with their vibration, because with a break of 30 ", should not the slightest movement).

Some passersby are still in the euphoria of the victory of the white blue this morning against Portugal.
And then I got you on the phone at that time. It's wonderful.


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