Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cursor Wont Move On Toshiba Laptop

A revolution, but the legality

What always surprises among Tunisians is their obsession with the rule of law. Even going duties and other favoritism mafia regime of our friend Ben always goes through a legal framework. Under the rein of the ousted president, the law was twisted, manipulated and generally applied by a judiciary orders. But the regime always opposed a pseudo rule of law to the citizen.
This legalism old as the Republic of Tunisia in the nineteenth century. Tunisia is the first Arab country to have enacted a constitution. "Authoritarian syndrome" of the Tunisian government, in the words of the excellent book Camau and Geisser academics, its always hidden behind an advanced constitutional and regulatory framework.

Wednesday morning, a scene for the extravagant non Tunisian held at the Palais de Justice in Tunis. At nine o'clock, at the gates of the Tribunal, where banners to the glory of the Revolution, have been suspended, the atmosphere was electric. Indeed, an interlocutory hearing was scheduled at the request of counsel for the interior minister, affectionately known by the people "Mr Clean" for the dissolution of the Gathering Constitutional democratic party of Ben Ali in which were enrolled thousands of Tunisians sometimes simply wishing to obtain a job or a grant. The equivalent of the Communist Parties of the Belle Epoque, Ben Ali, Ambassador to Poland between 1980 and 1984, had had ample opportunity to observe. Except that, unlike Eastern Europe, the almost unique advantage of Ben Ali took the initials of "constitutional and democratic", still an obsession with legalistic facade.

The courtroom, which was bathed in a soft spring light was packed. What a surprise plea the unconstitutionality of the request by two lawyers determined, such as "Regents", a smirk on his lips and showing the RCD. Rigged elections? This was not the RCD. The tires in the crowd? It was the government of Ben Ali had decided it, not the party. Beneath the jokes, sometimes, these two lawyers did not hesitate to shout at their colleague, who represented the Minister of Interior:
- "But you know it does not happen for a hearing, drinking a glass of water "
-" Shut up, master, slice the President of the Tribunal, I am the only master to board ".

Beside me, a lawyer who claims that RCD and recognized me as the co-author of Our Friend Ben Ali and the regent of Carthage me kindly translated the words of one and others. "They have guts, the RCD dux defending myself, I have not had the courage". lorqui But the representative of the Minister of Interior says that "the RCD has nailed the Republic" it must dissolve the movement that does more "than four nazes tois aug", he gets carried away a bit: "The interior minister who was robbed of his laptop and coat the inside of department in his office had better be discreet. Fortunately, the ridiculous does not kill. "

Moments later, another lawyer speak, claiming to represent him as the RCD! Benali My new friend explained:" There is a division among us. "

We feel that political elites are willing pource Tunisian parliamentary system that they claim. The announcement should be made by the Acting President min, which finally takes the floor, the convening a constituent assembly. This means that the Agora Tunisia will continue for weeks, where legal wrangling constitutional and will be exchanged by the parties that some fifty Tunisia today (not all yet legalized, although the Islamist Nahda movement comes to be). Not to mention the countless representatives of civil society or the various trends UGTT League or the bar.

Legalism, when you hold us!

Wild Thornberrys Game Not Working

A framework lucky

4 leaf clover ceramic, recycled cardboard frame.